Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Traditional Dance

Plate Dance(Tari piring)

Tari piring (plate dance)is very popular among the West Sumatran People.It involves great skill and exotic,as well as dynamic movements while the dancers hold plates or saucers in their palms!To make things more challenging,lit candles are placed on the plates or saucers.The dance includes rolling,squatting,walking on plates placed on the floor while manipulating the hand-held plates.The plate dance is also known as the candle dance
Often at the end of the dance,plates are smashed on the floor and dancers actually dance and jump on the broken pieces of porcelain without hurting themselves.there is definitely an element of a trance-like state that the dancers work themselves into in order to perform this final part of the dance.

Legong Kraton(Legong of the Palace)

In legends,Legong is a heavenly dance of divine nymphs.Of all classical Balinese dances,It remains the quintessence of femininity and grace

The story underlying the dance is derived from the history of East Java in the 12th and 13th centuries.A king finds the maiden Rangkesari lost in the forest. He takes her home and locks her in a house of stone.Rangkesari's brother,the prince of Daha,threatens war unless she is set free.

Rangkesari begs her captor to avoid war by giving her liberty, but the king prefers to flight. On his way to battle,he encounters a bird of ill omen that predicts his death. In the fight that ensues he is killed. The dance dramatizes the farewell of the king as he departs gor the battlefield and his ominous encounter with the bird.

The dancers flow from one identity into the next without disrupting the harmony of the dance. The may act as the double image of one character and their movements marked by light synchronization. Then they may split,each enacting a separate role,and come toghether again. In a love scene in which they rub noses,the king takes leave of Rangkesari. She repels his advances by beating him with her fan,and he departs in anger,soon to perish on the battlefield

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